Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Christmas Day

It snuck up so fast - this season of busyness.
I'm pretty sure that's not how it's supposed to be.
Part of it is because of work - I needed to get my numbers in 
Before the holiday, as many people take off before and after.

We had 7 this year, including my sister and brother-in-law,
And our house guest for the past year and a half , in one last hurrah.
She left later this evening, going home, not necessarily coming back.
I will miss her; I already feel the hole that she left.

We did the big breakfast yesterday instead of today,
So we gathered for stockings,
Took a shortish break,
And then did big gifts.

It took about three hours, which worked out
Since the big dinner was at 4 and guests came this year.
But the details don't matter as much as who is there,
And ultimately the Reason behind it all.

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