Monday, July 21, 2014

The Days I Hate Technology

Mainly, when it doesn't work correctly.
My stupid messed up phone that doesn't show me 
When it's charging anymore,
And my stupid computer whose mouse stopped working properly.
Fortunately restarting it fixed it this time.
My camera is broken (has been for awhile now),
So I can't take good pictures (and I love taking pictures).
My ihome won't charge anything, and
My ipod touch won't charge, period.
My ipod nano (you know, the old one)
Still charges but I am locked out of my itunes account.

Oh, technology, how I want to hurtle you across the room.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Portrait of a Summer Girl

Enjoying the weather,
Spirit free as the summer rains,
If only I could be this today.

But my phone, along with everything else, is broken.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

What I'm Watching

Other than catching up on TV shows,
My brother showed me this new documentary
Called Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey.

It's just absolutely brilliant.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Kids Are Not Alright

I am not a parent,
And I am not married,
So no perspectives there.
But after dealing with the kids,
I have learned that when the parents fight,
The kids are NOT alright.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Party Weekend

So the parents are out of town,
And what else is there to do but throw a party?

Except the party my brother and I like
Is not to have people invade the house (my issue)
Or be around lots of people (his issue).

Our idea is the get some yummy food,
Make our own drinks with Vodka,
And sit in the basement to watch a funny movie.

This is the life.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Great Question

I tend to be a skeptic,
Especially based on TV shows and movies,
But someone once asked me,
What if aliens have already visited,
And found nothing worthwhile on this planet?

There are TONS of galaxies,
And unlimited space that we don't know about.
Hollywood tends to focus on humans
Possessing love and aliens not,
But what if, in reality,
They've already visited and
Found nothing worthwhile?

There's good in humanity,
But there's also plenty of bad.
And what if we have been just too arrogant 
To see that we are not all that we think we are?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Kind of a Stranger

Today while I was working,
A mom of one of the girls
My youngest charge loves to play with
Offered to get me something from Starbucks.

I do not know her well,
Though she has always been friendly.
And out of the blue,
She does something nice.

I know she's not a true stranger,
But it warmed my heard just the same.

I am always skeptical, non-trusting,
And weary of people in general.
But this has renewed some faith
That there are good people out there,
And not just the bad.

And as I remember sipping my frappichino,
I must make sure to do the same good stuff for others.