Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Best of Friends

Animals can make the best of friends.
They don't cancel on your plans,
Hurt you emotionally,
Scare you unnecessarily.

They are always there for you,
Cuddling without words,
Tending to the hearts of their owners
Without even realizing it.

That's why some of my favorite moments
Are cuddling with my sweet kitty cat.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Truth As I Know It

I don't know everything,
But I do know that lies hurt people.

And in the midst of planning for my birthday,
I still don't know all the truths going around.

I have suspicions,
But what are they without evidence.

I have opinions,
But that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.

There's deception in my voice -
An experienced expert can tell.

So it is in my friends' voices,
And with most people I know.

But we should all try to be more honest with each other,
Because though lies can make the world go round,
Truth can stop it and start it anew.