Monday, January 24, 2022

There is a One

The One from Thailand is here to stay (for now),
And has introduced the family to so many things.
Including SAO anime (which I've been watching with her),
And such fun Christmas gifts from where she spent her formative years.

My Least Loyal Friend (formerly known as My Smartest Friend)
Started a new job today, and never responded to my text wishing her well.
That means she's still mad at me - I know the connection we had and how she reacts.
In her eyes, she's moving onward, and there's no need for anyone here, including me.

The One Who Knows Me Better (formerly The One Who Knows Me Less)
Was supposed to come over tonight, but it's snowing and her drive home is long.
Plus the One Who Should Know Me Better invited herself too,
And though both are going through hard times, it's not ideal for her to always be there.

My therapist informed me of  "spiritual trauma" (different than spiritual abuse),
And some pieces are coming together. 
I thank God that He showed me Himself (In reality God has is no gender).
For without Him I would not serve Him at all (The One True God).

I miss my Grandmas, the ones who thought better of me more than anyone else;
Who both loved me unconditionally and who I didn't get to spend enough time with.
Let me default to a happy heart, which is in The One Who Knows You.
Please help the world to know You, The One Who Makes Everything Good.


  1. May you continue to know God better and better. Praying for you and all that you have going on in your life.

  2. Thank you so much! I appreciate you praying for me. I know God has worked in your life and that has been an inspiration.
