Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas in Disorder

Christmas comes, no matter what's going on in the world.
That's part of what traditions and holidays bring - if people let it.
Isn't the miracle of Jesus that He is with everyone who calls on Him,
Caring about everyone and being present with us all, all at the same time?
Even when we are in vastly different circumstances?

The traditions my family carried this year were the same as last year,
Except that my sister and brother-in-law weren't here.
They bring such presence, as people tend to, that they were missed.
They always are on the years they aren't together with us.
It was an unsettled Christmas for me. 

He is greater than politics; greater than His individual people.
He weaves a pattern that includes people from all races,
All nationalities, all areas - united by knowing Him.
This world is struck by much chaos; He is our constant. 
Jesus is much more than Santa Clause ever could be.

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