Wednesday, June 15, 2022

I Understood What She Said

When I was in high school in my Junior year,
I visited a church where a specific teenager gave her testimony.
It was a Sunday evening and I went with a girl named Ruthie,
Who was a year older than me; I don't remember why she invited me.

I wish I knew the (then) girl's name, but she had long, layered dark hair and I think blue eyes.
I remember this girl had gone through addiction, though she was still in high school - 
If I remember correctly, it was both drug and alcohol addition - 
And I remember how though she regretted it, she said she wouldn't change it for the world.

At the time, I immediately connected with what she said.
It was paradoxical at best, and contradictory to most,
And I couldn't adequately explain it to my mother, 
Who looked at me like she didn't understand.

I wish I remembered her name - but she was correct.
You don't have to wish what happened to yourself to have happened,
But you can still be thankful to where it led. 
For her it led to the podium that night, speaking about how God had redeemed her.

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