Monday, November 19, 2018

Run Like A Girl

We ran the race on Sunday (yesterday),
Even though we weren't prepared.
Neither my running buddy nor I had really trained;
It had been over a month so either one of us had run.

It was rough.
And we are both paying for it today
As we did not train like we should have,
And our bodies are wreathing in pain!

Her boyfriend ran it for his first 15k -
And he did the best, absolutely stellar,
Both in time and endurance,
(But he had run more in preparation too).

I had actually been thinking it was a 10k,
Until my friend mentioned that it was a 15k,
So I was just fully unprepared mentally and physically -
Though this was my idea and solution to not doing the half.

We started off strong - we ran a full mile.
Her hamstring started hurting a half mile in.
I did better but my endurance is not there,
And my ankles started hurting later.

We walked and talked, our headphones still on,
Our music blaring, while bitching to each other
(It was needed after our Friday night)
And unconsciously slowed down to a stroll.

We ended up at the back - the very back.
The police cars were behind the last few,
And at one point one cop with a bullhorn
Actually told us all to keep moving along!

We ran some, we walked, we made sure not to the be very last,
But those last three miles were definitely difficult,
And by the end my hamstring was hurting too.
But we made it - and gained a new experience too.

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