No one should hate their generation;
We were all put on this earth at this time for a reason.
We were all put on this earth at this time for a reason.
I used to think that if someone was homeless,
They didn't know God. Because He wouldn't let that happen.
Then I met Junior. He loved God. Specifically Jesus.
He didn't do church, and he was homeless.
He was the first homeless person I met
Who taught me about Jesus. He knew Jesus.
He called the police - who I was taught was the good guys -
The Popo. They were not good to him.
I am not saying the police are the bad guys -
Far from it.
They do represent things many people don't like,
No matter their intent.
Junior didn't seem to hate anyone.
Not even the Popo.
He just avoided them.
He showed love to me even though I was young.
He is an example of who I want to be -
Loving God most of all, and loving people.
And avoiding - by that I mean as not interacting with
Those who do you no good.
And the hating on one's generation?
Several years ago I witnessed a teenage girl say that.
She stated, "I hate my generation."
I don't really know what she thought.
She was with her parents and parents friends.
She could easily have felt the need to say it.
I truly hope she doesn't today.
For she has gifts of her generation that her parents don't have.